KATE CAMP was born in Wellington in 1972. Her first collection of
poetry, Unfamiliar Legends of the Stars (1998) won the Jessie
Mackay Award for Best First Book of Poetry at the 1999 Montana New
Zealand Book Awards. Her second volume, Realia, was published
by Victoria University Press in 2001. She was the University of Waikato
writer-in-residence for 2002. Camp has also contributed to the Montana
Essay Series in 2002 with an essay entitled ‘On Kissing’.
Camp comments: ‘I was asked to write a poem with a political
theme around the time of the 2002 elections. Winston Peters is one
of New Zealand’s more flamboyant and content-free politicians,
and seemed an excellent subject for a poet not particularly engaged
with party politics.
Peters is known for his supernaturally lush and brilliantined hair,
hence the reference to the baldness cure Regaine. Several years ago
he was involved in a late night driving contretemps that is also referred
The Frost poem is one I particularly love. Every time I read it I
am impressed by the complex structure of its rhyme and rhythm. Its
film noir tone is perfect for Peters who, with his sharp suits and
taste for hard liquor, seems very well acquainted with the night,
as well as the right.’