James K Baxter:
“A Pair of Sandals” appears in James K. Baxter, New
Selected Poems, ed. Paul Millar (Auckland: Oxford
University Press, 2001).
Jenny Bornholdt:
“Being a Poet” first appeared in the inaugural issue of
the online magazine Turbine.
Bernard Brown:
“Respects” appears in the collection Unspeakable Practices:
Parables of Rumbling Disgust in Verse, Stories and Sketches,
Cape Catley Ltd,
James Brown:
“Loneliness” first appeared in the Christchurch Press
on 1 December 2001.
Alan Brunton:
“Movie” is taken from the Wellington-based magazine JAAM
16, published in October 2001.
Kate Camp:
“Unfinished Love Theorem” is included in the collection
Realia, Victoria University
Press, 2001.
Alistair Te
Ariki Campbell: “It’s Greece” is part of Maori
Battalion: A Poetic Sequence, Wai-te-ata
Press, 2001.
Allen Curnow:
“When and Where” appears in the collection The Bells
of Saint Babel’s, Auckland
University Press, 2001.
Leigh Davis:
“The Footstool” is the opening poem in General Motors,
a work which can be viewed in its entirety at www.jackbooks.com.
Chloe Gordon:
“Fresh Orange Juice” first appeared in the online magazine
magazine Trout
Hall: “The Lay Sister” is taken from the collection Settler
Dreaming, Victoria University
Press, 2001.
Dinah Hawken:
“365 X 30” is part of the collection Oh There You Are
Tui, Victoria University
Press, 2001.
Anna Jackson:
“Watch” is taken from The Pastoral Kitchen, Auckland
University Press, 2001. It also appeared in Landfall
202, December 2001.
Jan Kemp: “Elephant
Riding” is part of the collection Only One Angel, University
of Otago Press, 2001.
James McNaughton:
“Moon Poem” comes from The Stepmother Tree, Darius
Press Ltd (dariuspress@xtra.co.nz),
Gregory O’Brien:
“Ode to Te Whiti o Rongomai” was first published in the
“Spring, 2000” issue of Stand, which did not, in
fact, appear till mid-2001.
Peter Olds:
“Disjointed on Wellington Railway Station” first appeared
in the 19th issue of the online magazine Southern
Ocean Review, published on April 12, 2001.
Bob Orr: “The
Tyre Shop” first appeared in Sport 27, Spring 2001.
Vincent O’Sullivan:
“A Bit Late, But Still” comes from the collection Lucky
Table, Victoria University
Press, 2001.
Chris Price:
“Rose and Fell” first appeared in Landfall 202,
November 2001.
Richard Reeve:
“Ranfurly” is part of Dialectic of Mud, Auckland
University Press, 2001. It also appeared in the first instalment
of the online magazine papertiger.
Elizabeth Smither:
“Te Whiti and Tohu” is taken from Parihaka: The Art
of Passive Resistance, jointly published by City
Gallery Wellington, Parihaka Pa Trustees and Victoria
University Press in January 2001.
Brian Turner:
“Semi-Kiwi” is part of the collection Taking Off,
Victoria University Press,
Ian Wedde:
“To Death” is taken from the fourth section of The
Commonplace Odes, Auckland
University Press, 2001.
Nick Williamson:
“Broken Light” appears in the collection The Whole
Forest, Sudden Valley Press, 2001.