Mikaia Leach
Meet Mikaia, who pursued a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Māori Studies.

Ngāti Konohi, Ngāti Ira, Ngāti Porou
BA(Hons) graduate
If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door!
I was born and raised in Tairāwhiti (East Coast) surrounded by whānau, mentors and teachers who instilled in me tikanga, my sense of identity and made education a priority. I always knew that going to university was going to be part of my future. Making the decision to go to Victoria University of Wellington was easy – I wanted to live in the ‘coolest little capital’ in the world.
From the beginning, Te Herenga Waka Marae became my second home and the Hau Kāinga and Ngāi Tauira students were my whānau. I was used to this kind of environment, and it made being away from home bearable.
Although I initially pursued a law and Māori Studies degree, I soon found my Māori language and studies niche. I completed my BA and BA(Hons) in Māori Studies.
Studying at Wellington's university has allowed me to capitalise on my strengths and, most importantly, it has given me options to decide my own future.