Tutor vacancies
View current vacancies for tutor positions at Te Kawa a Māui.
Expressions of interest are invited from Māori Studies graduates to work part-time as tutors in undergraduate Te Kawa a Māui courses. It is expected that successful applicants will either have or be close to completing, an undergraduate degree or higher in at least one or more of the three undergraduate majors offered by the School. Applications are particularly encouraged from current and intending postgraduate students. Applicants who do not meet the above criteria and/or have relevant experience in a related discipline may be considered.
Pay will be at rates set under the Academic staff collective agreement.
Tutoring roles involve the following:
- Tutorials usually occur for one hour, per course, per teaching week.
- Tutorials are designed to provide:
- a space for collaborative learning
- opportunities for students to raise questions and discuss the issues raised in the lectures
- assistance in developing techniques of critical analysis, academic writing skills, presentation skills, and research skills
- learning support and individual help.
- Tutorials usually begin in Week 2 of the trimester and typically involve 10 weeks of classroom teaching.
- Tutorials comprise anywhere between 15–20 students per group.
- The tutorial programme is directed by the Course Coordinator, but may occasionally involve individual tutors planning and resourcing some tutorials.
- In addition to preparing and teaching tutorials, a tutoring role involves a few hours each week for student consultation and additional hours during the trimester for the marking of student assignments/tests.
- Tutors are asked to attend regular meetings with the Course Coordinator during the trimester, and may also be asked to attend lectures.
- Some courses have a noho marae component—tutors may be asked to attend noho marae particularly when assessment is being conducted.
Available courses
Trimester 1
Trimester 2
Trimester 3
Tutor interest form
If you are interested in tutoring for one of our courses in Trimester 2 please complete the online interest form.
Online tutor interest form Trimester 2
Application instructions
To apply, complete the online application form and upload your CV and cover letter.
View all current vacancies on the University website.
Further information
If you have any enquiries, please contact the Māori Studies School office.