Summer Scholar wins Poster Competition
Summer Scholar wins poster competition at summer gold celebration
Summer Scholar wins Poster Competition
Summer Scholar wins poster competition at summer gold celebration

Congratulations to Naoko Yui, who won a $500 prize for the best poster in FHSS in Victoria’s Summer Gold Scholars Poster Competition, for her poster entitled “The Prosody of Māori ‘ko’”. Naoko’s project used the MAONZE corpus of spoken te reo Māori to investigate how speaker’s emphasise and organise information when they speak, using prosody and syntax; and whether and how this is changing over time. The judges commented that Naoko “produced a beautifully balanced poster. It looked at the interactions between syntax, discourse and prosody in Māori ‘ko’. The research question was clear and original. The method was well thought through and the research itself was interesting and significant, pointing to an intergenerational difference in the usage of ‘ko’ by te reo Māori speakers.”
Naoko’s project was jointly supervised by Dr Sasha Calhoun in LALS, and Dr Karena Kelly in Te Kawa a Māui. Naoko completed her BA(Hons) in Māori Studies last year, and a GDipArts in Linguistics in 2014.