Contact us
Contact Te Kawa a Māui—School of Māori Studies, and find where we are located.
Administration office
Te Kawa a Māui—School of Māori Studies
Victoria University of Wellington
Room 304 Robert Stout building
21 Kelburn Parade
Wellington 6012
Phone: +64 4 887 3198
School office hours
The School Office is located at 21 Kelburn Parade, 304 Robert Stout building and is open Monday to Friday, 9.00 am–3.00 pm.
Postal address
Te Kawa a Māui—School of Māori Studies
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
Wellington 6140
For courier deliveries, please use the administration office address.
Return of course work
Where possible, marked work will be returned to students in class. If a student is absent, or if work is returned in non-teaching periods, students will be notified of its availability via Nuku, and it can be collected from the School Office. Students can collect their marked work Monday to Friday between the hours of 10.00 am–1.00 pm only. Work cannot be given back outside of these times.