Support people
The Māori community at the University supports all its students to achieve success. Find out who you can connect with and how they can help you.

Māori student support
The Āwhina programme provides a way for tauira Māori to connect with kaupapa and support services, and runs study wānanaga, study spaces, and peer-mentoring.

Māori learning adviser
Herewini Easton is the Māori learning adviser—he runs workshops and can provide one-to-one support.

Māori library services
Tyson Kingi is the kairauhi or Māori subject librarian—he can help you navigate the library, its Māori collections, and study spaces.

Student groups
Connect with our student groups—Ngāi Tauira is the association for all Māori students, and there are also subject-specific groups.

Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori
The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori leads the Āwhina and Taihonoa programmes, manages the marae, and provides strategic advice to the University.

Māori academic staff
Connect with Māori academic staff working in the area that you're studying in to get support and inspiration.

Te tangata whenua o te marae
Every marae belongs to and must be ‘kept warm’ by a community of people—the tangata whenua.

Student advisers
Our Māori Future Student advisers can help you with your application to study and give you advice about selecting courses.