He rauemi mō ō akoranga | Tools for your studies
Tītoko | Help and advice
Find out how to get help with your studies or student administration by email, phone, or in person from our Tītoko Student Success teams.
Pūaha | Student portal
Access personalised tools, including your timetable, grades, and student records through the Pūaha student portal.
Nuku | Online learning
Nuku is your virtual campus, and the online learning environment for all your courses.
Ngā pūkenga akome te rangahau | Study and research skills
Study wānanga
Study wānanga are revision sessions that bring Māori students together to prepare for their assessments and exams in a culturally supportive setting.
Māori learning adviser
If you want support with your study and writing skills, connect with the Māori learning adviser, Herewini Easton.
Māori library and study spaces
Get help with library skills and research with a kaupapa Māori focus, and find out about areas of the library that support Māori-related study and research.
Ngā putea me ngā karahipi | Money and scholarships
Māori scholarships
There are a number of scholarships and grants targeted to Māori students which can help you fund your studies.
Taihonoa is a unique programme in which the University connects students with scholarships and support from Māori-led organisations, and contributes funding.
Manage your money
There is assistance for you to be on top of your finances—whether it's managing your student loan or allowance, paying your fees, or budgeting.