Tautoko | Supporting your student journey

University is not a solo journey. Get connected with people who are there to help you succeed through the ups and downs of study. He toa takitini.

A young Māori man wearing a black shirt with an Awhina logo and a young Māori woman, both laughing.

Āwhina | Support programme

Fostering and celebrating Māori student success, Āwhina teams cover all campuses and all academic programmes.

Meet the team About Āwhina

Allow your Māori values and principles to guide you through your studies. Don’t change who you are. Share what you learn with your iwi, hapū, and whānau. This will motivate and inspire you and your whānau while you are studying.

Whatarangi Winiata (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Toa Rangatira)

Senior mentor and student, Master of Architecture (Professional)

He pārongo mō ngā tauira | Student info

You'll find information and resources to support you throughout your studies on our website for current students. There's a section for new students that will help you get ready to study—and check out the Māori Students' Orientation programme!

Information for current students Information for new students

Kaitautoko ki Te Herenga Waka

There are lots of people to support you to achieve success during your time at the University, including the Āwhina team, student-led groups, learning and library advisers, and the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori.

Find Māori-led support on campus

I love seeing tauira thrive—there are so many students that really inspire me and who I know will go on to do amazing things.

Luke Fitzmaurice (Te Aupōuri)

Lecturer, Faculty of Law

A piece of advice I wish I had been told when starting my university journey is that finding the right study/work/life balance is just as important as the courses you choose.

Dr Liana McDonald (Ngāti Kuia, Rangitāne o Wairau)

Senior lecturer in Sociology

Get amongst kapa haka on campus. Whether you’re a haka freak or just learning how to say kia ora, it is an inclusive environment where you can meet other tauira Māori and feel more connected to your taha Māori.

Pou Templeton (Ngāti Porou, Tūhoe, Tainui)

Kaitawaka Māori / Future Student Adviser

Hauora | Wellbeing

A key to your success is maintaining a healthy mind and body. Find out about the services here to help, including medical and counselling, clubs and societies, and our recreation centre.

Find out more
A young woman running with a rugby ball and trying to get around another player.