Principle of mahi tahi
The principle of mahi tahi (partnership) requires Māori and the Crown to work together for mutually beneficial outcomes.
The principle of partnership (mahi tahi) requires Māori and the Crown to work together for mutually beneficial outcomes. In the context of the University, this principle underpins the integrity of the relationships formed between the University and its Māori stakeholders.
Application of the principle of partnership (mahi tahi)
In applying the Principle of Partnership, the University commits to the active visibility, establishment and maintenance of positive internal and external relationships with Māori. This principle extends across learning, teaching, research, engagement, and outreach purposes to assist Māori needs and aspirations to be met.
Māori relationships within and beyond the University
The University values and supports internal Māori entities that represent Māori interests including, but not limited to, the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori, Te Aka Matua, Te Kawa a Māui, Te Herenga Waka marae, Āwhina, Ngāi Tauira, Toihuarewa, and Te Hauhiku.
External relationships also help to further develop learning, teaching, research, and engagement opportunities for Māori staff and students. The University encourages and supports staff and students to engage and maintain reciprocal relationships with external Māori entities including, but not limited to, Te Kāhui Amokura, Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, and Māori research networks such as the Māori Association of Social Science (MASS), the Māori Association of Research Scientists (MARS), MAI ki Pōneke, and Te Pouhere Kōrero.
Māori research relationships
All research entities and projects led by the University, including CoREs, CRIs, and National Science Challenges, should be developing their capacity to include a strong mātauranga Māori/vision mātauranga element to their work. Where applicable, researchers should consider how to develop Māori research relationships as part of their work to give effect to this principle but also enhance their research programmes. Support for staff to engage with and include mātauranga Māori/vision mātauranga elements in their research is provided from the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori and the Research Office. Information on Māori research practices is available to staff on the University’s Research webpages. The University Research Fund encourages engagement with Māori research, and a Mātauranga Māori Research Fund has provisions for staff wanting to develop their capability in Māori research and/or build relationships with Māori communities.
Māori learning and teaching relationships
Anyone enacting the University’s strategic priority to develop student-staff partnerships in learning and teaching should consider this principle of mahi tahi when designing and developing partnerships with Māori students. Resources for teaching Māori students and Māori content are available on the University website.
In addition, the University’s graduate profile expresses that all students who graduate will have experienced a learning environment that reflects the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Development of Taihonoa programme
The University has over 70 relationship agreements with iwi and other Māori organisations that support the academic success of our Māori students. This is achieved through activities such as joint research, internships, and financial support provided via scholarships and grants. The University is committed to maintaining and extending Māori partnership through such vehicles as He Herenga Tāngata agreements.
Visibility of Māori
Ensuring Māori (including te reo) are visibly represented in the University’s marketing, branding, and communications gives effect to the principle of Partnership. The University is committed to including Māori in significant recruitment, brand, and marketing campaign materials, whether digital or in hard copy. There is a dedicated section of the University website with information specifically about Māori staff, students and resources, however, this should not limit Māori from appearing across the University’s webpages. The presence of te reo Māori in names and signage has been addressed in the principle of rangatiratanga and a ‘te reo Māori at the University’ booklet is available in hard copy form and online with guidance on names and orthography. Approval for new Māori names and signage is required from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Māori) to ensure appropriateness and consistency with Māori language conventions.