Kupu whakatau


Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori Professor Rawinia Higgins welcomes you to Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.

Nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai!

Tēnei au ka tū i te roro o tōku whare o Te Tumu Herenga Waka, ka titiro whakawaho ki te ao e rāhiri mai rā.

I encourage you to explore and experience all the opportunities that we have to offer as a global–civic university with the marae at its heart, and to become part of te whānau o Te Herenga Waka.

Figuratively, the marae is the ‘mooring post’ from which staff and students can be connected to the Māori world during their time at the University, and it provides a platform to enhance teaching, learning, research, and engagement.

Our marae is temporarily closed as we await the construction of our Living Pā complex. However, there are many opportunities for you to connect with other Māori at Te Herenga Waka. This notion of connectivity builds on the Mai i te Iho ki te Pae—Māori Strategic Outcomes Framework, which emphasises the importance of drawing from our iho, or inner essence, our identities, and the potential to extend this ki te pae—beyond the horizons.

At Te Herenga Waka, a sense of whānau and community is important to us. On these web pages you'll find information about the dedicated staff and support structures here to help you achieve your goals and aspirations.

I wish you every success in your journey here at Te Herenga Waka. Whakamaua te pae tata kia tīna, whaia te pae tawhiti kia tata!

Professor Rawinia Higgins
Tumu Ahurei—Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori