Principle of whakaoranga
The principle of whakaoranga (redress) provides for the effective resolution of Māori grievances.
In the context of the University, this means actively addressing any inequities for Māori across the institution. The preceding principles all contribute, in a range of ways, to addressing potential inequities for Māori but redress (whakaoranga) focuses on there being appropriate, timely and supported processes for resolving specific issues that may arise within the parameters of Te Tiriti o Waitangi Statute.
Application of the principle of redress (whakaoranga)
In applying the principle of redress (whakaoranga), the University commits to identifying areas of inequity for its Māori staff and students, and to addressing Māori grievances and complaints across the institution. The University is committed to providing tikanga Māori processes, where appropriate, to resolve grievances and complaints, and to work to restore the mana of those who have been aggrieved.
Identifying inequities
In order to establish where redress may be required, the University engages in regular reporting of Māori student activity and outcomes. In relation to Māori student participation, this includes the weekly production of reports tracking Māori enrolments across the University. An online dashboard of course enrolments and completions is also under development. For more specific reporting of Māori student recruitment, retention, and achievement, staff can access learning and teaching data through Cognos. A summary of outcomes for Māori is also provided in the University’s Annual Report. For a comparison of the University’s Māori outcomes with other Tertiary Education Organisations, visit the Tertiary Education Commission’s Education Performance Indicator reports.
There is less reporting on Māori staff numbers and positions, although an online dashboard showing staff statistics is under development. Annual targets for the employment of Māori academic staff are published in the University’s Investment Plan. Human resources advisors have also been working with Te Kāhui Amokura to better understand and support the Māori workforce in New Zealand universities.
The importance of Māori representation was emphasised under both the principle of kāwanatanga and the principle of participation. Regular, reliable reporting of all Māori representation on Council, University, and Faculty committees still needs to be established.
Māori misconduct, dispute, and complaint processes
A range of Māori-related processes are available for students and staff to follow in the event of an alleged misconduct, dispute, or complaint.
University students accused of general misconduct under the Student Conduct Statute have the option to follow a student tikanga Māori process to resolve the matter.
University staff can access the Employee Advisory and Resolution Services (EARS)—Te Rauawa for confidential impartial, informal and independent advice and resolution service for workplace issues. EARS—Te Rauawa includes Māori mediators who can provide guidance and coaching, and an informal resolution service involving facilitated discussions or a restorative process (with the permission of all people involved).
The Staff Conduct Policy also provides guidelines for resolving issues by using a staff tikanga Māori process.