Using te reo Māori on the phone
You can use Māori phrases to both answer and end a conversation on the phone. You can also use them in your voicemail messages.
- Hello
- Tēnā koe / Kia ora
Hello, Rawinia- Tēnā koe, Rawinia / Kia ora, Rawinia
Good morning- Ata mārie / Mōrena
This is Peter- Ko Pita tēnei
- Yes, that’s right
- Ae, tika tēnā
How are you?- Kei te pēhea koe?
I am good- Kei te pai
At the end of a phone call or phone message, you can close with the following Māori phrases:
- Thank you very much
- Kia ora rawa atu
See you (again)- Ka kite (anō)
Goodbye- Hei konā / Hei konā mai