Te reo Māori
Te reo Māori at the University
Integrate te reo Māori into your everyday interactions.
Te reo Māori at the University aims to help you use more te reo Māori (Māori language) around the University. Using any of the Māori names, phrases, or greetings listed here will strengthen the effect of our Treaty of Waitangi Statute. It also makes the University more inclusive and distinctive.
Ko te reo tōku tuakiri | Language is my identity
Ko te reo tōku ahurei | Language is my uniqueness
Ko te reo te ora | Language is life
While we have taken care to be as accurate as possible with the information, you need to be aware that there are different Māori dialects. This means words and phrases in this section may vary from those used elsewhere in Aotearoa New Zealand.