- Māori at Te Herenga Waka
- Te marae o Te Herenga WakaMarae
- Mō mātouOur people
- TauiraStudents
- RauemiResources
- Mai i te Iho ki te PaeStrategic outcomes framework for Māori
- Te mahere reoMāori language plan
- Te Tiriti o WaitangiTe Tiriti guide
- Te reo MāoriLanguage resources
- Māori greetings and phrases
- Te reo Māori pronunciation guide
- University names and places in te reo Māori
- University roles in te reo Māori
- Māori days and months
- Using te reo Māori in correspondence
- Using te reo Māori on the phone
- Bilingual email signatures and business cards
- Other te reo Māori resources
- TikangaCustomary practices guide
- Ngā pānui me ngā kaupapaNews and events
- Māori at Te Herenga Waka
- Te marae o Te Herenga WakaMarae
- Mō mātouOur people
- TauiraStudents
- RauemiResources
- Ngā pānui me ngā kaupapaNews and events
- Te tangata whenua o te marae People of the marae
- Kawa me ngā tikanga Customs and correct procedures
- Hītori History
- Ngā whare whakahirahira o te marae The exceptional marae facilities
- Toro mai ki te Marae Visit the marae
- He Pā Kaiao
- Ngā Waiata o Te Herenga Waka Songs of Te Herenga Waka
Te marae o Te Herenga WakaMarae
- Te Kawa a Māui School of Māori Studies
- Rangatiratanga Māori leadership
- Kaitautoko ki Te Herenga Waka Student support
- Ako Learning and teaching
- Te Tari o te Toitūroa Sustainability
- Whakapā mai Contact us
Mō mātouOur people
- Kupu whakatau Welcome
- Kaitautoko ki Te Herenga Waka Support people
- Āwhina Māori student support
- Pukapuka tātaki Guide to studying
- Mō ngā tauira Māori student spaces
- Hauora Health and wellbeing
- Ngā karahipi Scholarships
- Tauira hou New students
- Ngā akoranga whānui What to study


Te reo Māori resources
Learn how to use more reo Māori in your everyday interactions and emails—these resources introduce useful words, phrases, and greetings.
Explore the resourcesTe Tiriti o Waitangi guide
The University's Tiriti o Waitangi Statute sets out a clear pathway for applying Te Tiriti, and ensures its continued relevance to our operations.
Read the guide

Tikanga tips
Tikanga are Māori customary practices or behaviours. Use this guide help you do the right thing when learning and teaching at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.
Learn about tikanga Explore marae tikanga