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Watch and learn the actions for waiata-ā-ringa connected with Te Herenga Waka.
This haka was performed in the 80s and 90s and uses the patu.
The words of Te Arawa's famous haka were changed to match Te Herenga Waka in the 1980s.
Nā Tā Hirini Moko Mead tēnei waiata i tito, ā, nā Te Taite Cooper te rangi.
A waiata sung by Ngāi Tauira in the 80s and 90s.
Nā Te Wehi Wright. A favourite feature in Ngāi Tauira brackets.
Nā Hauiti Kohatu me Mason Lawlor ngā kupu, nā Ahirana Waata-Amai te rangi.