Our resources help you to learn and use New Zealand Sign Language.
nline Dictionary of NZSL
4500+ dictionary entries with videos, usage examples and grammar notes. Browse topics or search for signs through English or Māori words and through their visual features. Learn about the fingerspelling alphabet, numbers, and classifiers. Design and print vocabulary sheets for teaching and learning purposes.
Visit the NZSL Online Dictionary
Learn NZSL
Watch, learn, and practise how to use NZSL in common situations. Within each of the nine topics, you’ll find plenty of videos, resources, and exercises.
Whether you’re studying NZSL, trying to connect with a Deaf friend, or just having fun with a new language, Learn NZSL has a lot to offer!
NZSL Share
Search, share and discuss new NZSL vocabulary. Create folders and save your favourite signs. Upload your recorded signs, keep them in your private folder and share links with others. Approved members comment on signs, agree or disagree, and add new signs for everyone to see.
NZSL exercises
Online practice exercises to support your NZSL studies at Te Herenga Waka–Victoria University of Wellington.
Useful links
SignDNA—Sign Language Deaf National Archive
Watch Us—Deaf people showing true stories of who we are
Teach Sign—NZSL Teachers Association