Ngā ringa raupā

Our people

E tū e hine mā, e tama mā, whakaarahia ake ngā pou pou—an ambitious project needs diverse expertise.

The Living Pā will be the home for Te Kawa a Māui, Te Herenga Waka Marae, Ngāi Tauira (Māori students association), Āwhina (support services), the Sustainability Office, and the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Māori).

The Living Pā will also offer collaboration and public spaces for:

  • other Māori student associations, such as Ngā Rangahautira (Māori Law Students' Association), Ngā Tāura Ūmanga (Māori Commerce Students' Association), Te Hōhaieti o te Reo Māori (Māori language society), and MAI Ki Pōneke
  • our strategic partners, including iwi and other Māori organisations, government, and business networks
  • students and staff
  • research collaborators
  • community and whānau groups
  • wānanga, conferences, symposia, and colloquia.

Our teams and key contacts

Review panel

The Living Pā review panel is responsible for the strategic direction and alignment of the Living Pā.

Control group

The project’s operational management team report to the project sponsor.


Meet the Living Pā ambassadors.

Design and construction team

Meet the people leading the development of the Living Pā's design and Living Building Challenge alignment.


The two advisory groups assisted in the development of workable plans and processes to support the Living Pā project.