Whakauru mai

Get involved

Hei rāhiri mai i te ngahue tāngata—casting our net.

Work with us to push built environment methods, to reset standards, and to create a multipurpose complex to be enjoyed by generations to come.

We are seeking future-focused learners, staff, iwi, local community, industry, innovators, researchers, government, and philanthropy partners to work with us on this ambitious redevelopment of our marae precinct.

How to get involved.

  • Follow Living Pā updates on the project’s blog, He Pā Kaiao
  • Classroom, workplace, and community visits. Invite a member of the project control group to talk about the Living Pā. Email thelivingpa@vuw.ac.nz to discuss your requirements.
  • If you'd like to get involved in another way, you can email the project team at thelivingpa@vuw.ac.nz.
  • Sign up to the Living Pā e-updates (around bi-monthly) at thelivingpa@vuw.ac.nz.

Whakapā mai—Get in touch

We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about how you can join us to realise the project’s vision. We’d love to hear from you.

Sue profile picture

Sue O'Donnell

Executive Director of Development and Alumni Relations
Development and Alumni Relations Office · Development Office

Rhonda profile picture

Rhonda Thomson

Pou Hapai - Senior Adviser · Co-project manager, Living Pā
PVC Māori/Iwi Studies