He āwhina mō te whakaako

Teaching support

Enhance your teaching and the student experience with tailored library services.

Your subject librarian will meet and discuss your learning and teaching objectives and requirements. The range of services we provide can make a difference to the class and online experience for students.

These services can be tailored to your needs and include:

Classroom support

  • Introduction to Library resources and services
  • Library research skills (searching, identifying, evaluating resources)
  • Mini workshops tailored to assignments
  • Collaborative support with other central service units
  • Using specific resources (Te Waharoa and subject-specific databases)
  • Referencing and citing
  • Pop-up support sessions during assignment time

Tours can also be arranged through your subject librarian to familiarise your students with on-campus resources and services.

Course support

  • Creating and managing course reading lists using Talis Aspire
  • Managing Copyright in teaching
  • Embedding Library research skills content in Nuku
  • Augmenting the in-class experience with online learning tutorials covering finding and using information
  • How to access short loan (Course Reserve) items
  • Recommending new collection resources to support your teaching
  • Assessment of collection implications for new programme or course proposals
  • Submission for the Academic Programme Review process

Postgraduate research support

Contact your subject librarian to request a research consultation or workshop for your postgraduate students. How can the Library's services and resources support their research; enhance opportunities to publish their work; and raise their research profile.

View and record audio-visual content

Research consultations

Request a research consultation for you or your postgraduate students. It is an extended discussion with your subject librarian about the Library's resources that can support your teaching or research.

Borrowing items

Borrow Items for up to 8 weeks. Extended loans can be arranged by contacting library@vuw.ac.nz.