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Find an item on the shelf

Find physical items on the Library shelves that you’ve found in Te Waharoa search results.

Physical items in the library have a unique “call number” which is like an address. It describes the subject of the item and where to find it on the shelves. The number on the record in Te Waharoa matches the number on the item.

Our items are primarily organised using the Library of Congress call number (LCCN). DVDs are categorised by the director’s surname and the Law Library uses the Moys classification system for printed legal material.

How to read a Library of Congress call number

LCCN numbers are read from left to right, and from top to bottom. The letters at the beginning of the call number are alphabetical. The numbers immediately following are in basic numerical order.

For example: BF1078 S5 2018 2ed

  • BF – Defines the general subject and subclass (B = Philosophy/Religion, BF = Psychology)
  • 1078 – Defines a narrower subtopic (1078 = Dreams)
  • S5 – Represents the author’s name or the title of the work (S5 = Tessa Morgan Sharpe)
  • 2018 – Publication year (2018, but could also be the copyright date)
  • 2ed – Edition number if there are multiple editions

Where to find an item on the shelves

  1. Find your relevant items in Te Waharoa. You can limit your search using the filter “Available in the Library” on the right of the screen to remove online items.
  2. Record the call number. For example: “Available at Kelburn Library (Level 3) BF1078 S5 2018 2ed”. The record will say if the item is on loan. Items held offsite can be requested online and you will be notified when it is ready to collect.
  3. Note the library the items is held in, and the floor.
  4. Go to the location in the Library. Maps are provided on each floor to find the general area. Call number ranges are displayed on the end of each shelf.
  5. Locate the item on the shelf.