Rauemi ki te Rūma o J.C. Beaglehole

Finding and using J.C. Beaglehole Room resources

Explore the various ways you can access J.C. Beaglehole Room resources.

J.C. Beaglehole Room staff are available to help you find what you need for your research. Please contact us if you’re not sure where to start.

Published material

Material in the J.C. Beaglehole Room collection can be searched in Te Waharoa – the Library’s discovery system. After searching, you can select “Kelburn Library (JC Beaglehole)” under the “Library” section in the “Tweak your results” options.

Find and request published material

Archives and manuscripts

Archives and manuscripts in the J.C. Beaglehole Room can be searched via ArchivesSpace. When you have found the material you’d like to view, please make a request using the online form, adding the collection identifier and as much detail as possible about specific items required.

Find archival material

Using J.C. Beaglehole Room resources

Materials held in the J.C. Beaglehole Room are irreplaceable, rare, or valuable. To help protect our collections we need you to observe the following:

Copying J.C. Beaglehole Room resources

Copying selected material from the Collections may be permitted on the understanding that: