Ipu uru tūwhera

Open Access Institutional Repository

Open Access Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington is the University’s research repository where digital research outputs are openly accessible

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington's Open Access Institutional Repository is an open access collection of research outputs authored by Victoria University of Wellington researchers. The research in the repository is openly available to the public, while respecting the copyright of publishers.

This collection will be useful to researchers, students, members of the public and anyone else interested in the research produced by Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington researchers.

Explore the content of the Open Access Institutional Repository

Open Access Institutional Repository

Depositing into the Repository

If you are a Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington researcher, consult the instructions for depositing in the Open Access library guide.

Benefits of using the Repository

  • Your research will be more visible, which will increase its potential impact
  • Our system is optimised for discovery by Google
  • Our system creates a DOI for easy sharing of research
  • You can track views, downloads, and social media attention of your research
  • A link to the publisher’s version is prominently displayed for every item
  • Contribute to the goal of the Repository being the ‘go to’ place for Wellington open access publications

Privacy policy

All personal information collected when depositing into the Repository is subject to the University’s privacy policy.

Contact us

If you have any queries or concerns about items in this repository, or about depositing/using items, please contact the administrators at library-research@vuw.ac.nz.