Research Areas for PhD and LLM supervision
At Victoria University of Wellington’s Faculty of Law, research supervision at both PhD and Master’s levels is second to none.
Applicants are welcome to contact prospective supervisors—our Faculty members’ areas of interest are listed below. Click on a person’s name to view their detailed profile and contact details.
Subject Area | Faculty Member |
Aboriginal Land tenure | Ruiping Ye |
Administrative Law | Eddie Clark; Dean Knight |
Children's Rights | Luke Fitzmaurice-Brown |
Chinese Law | Ruiping Ye |
Citizenship | Marnie Lloydd |
Climate Change | Bjørn-Oliver Magsig |
Company law | Victoria Stace; Da Lin |
Comparative Law | Richard Boast; Alberto Costi; Ruiping Ye |
Competition Law | Paul Scott |
Constitutional Law | Dean Knight |
Contract Law | Paul Scott |
Corporate Governance | Da Lin |
Counter-Terrorism and foreign fighting | Marnie Lloydd |
Criminal Law and Justice | Danica McGovern; Zoë Prebble; Yvette Tinsley |
Decolonisation (after Te Tiriti o Waitangi) | Luke Fitzmaurice-Brown |
Employment Law (relating to personal grievances) | Grant Morris |
Environmental law | Alberto Costi; Catherine Iorns; Bjørn-Oliver Magsig; Joanna Mossop |
European Law | Michelle Zang |
Family Law | Bill Atkin; Luke Fitzmaurice-Brown |
Feminist Legal Theory | Zoë Prebble |
Financial Regulation | Da Lin |
Human Rights | Marnie Lloydd |
Immigration and Refugee Law | Marnie Lloydd |
Indigenous rights | Richard Boast; Catherine Iorns |
Insolvency Law | Victoria Stace |
Intellectual Property Law | Graeme Austin; Susy Frankel; Hai-Yuean Tualima; Nikita Melashchenko (LLM only) |
International Criminal Law | Marnie Lloydd |
International Economic Law | Meredith Kolsky Lewis; Michelle Zang; Nikita Melashchenko (LLM only) |
International Humanitarian Law | Marnie Lloydd |
International Intellectual Property | Hai-Yuean Tualima; Nikita Melashchenko (LLM only) |
International Law | Alberto Costi; Bjørn-Oliver Magsig; |
International Trade Law | Susy Frankel; Meredith Kolsky Lewis; Michelle Zang; Nikita Melashchenko (LLM only) |
Judicial review | Dean Knight |
Land Law | Richard Boast |
Law and Economics | Paul Scott |
Law and Forensic Science | Yvette Tinsley |
Law and Language | Māmari Stephens |
Law and Literature | Grant Morris |
Law and Psychology | Yvette Tinsley |
Law and Religion | Māmari Stephens |
Law and Sexuality | Eddie Clark |
Law of Armed Conflict | Alberto Costi |
Law of Freshwater Resources | Bjørn-Oliver Magsig |
Law of Privacy | Nicole Moreham |
Law of the Sea | Bjørn-Oliver Magsig; Joanna Mossop |
Legal History | Richard Boast; Grant Morris; Ruiping Ye |
Legal Theory/Jurisprudence | Mark Bennett; |
Local Government | Dean Knight |
Māori Land Law | Richard Boast |
Media Law | Nicole Moreham |
Medico-legal | Fiona McDonald |
Negotiation and Mediation | Grant Morris |
Pacific Law | Mele Tupou Vaitohi |
Pacific Legal Systems | Hai-Yuean Tualima; Mele Tupou Vaitohi |
Peace and Security Law | Marnie Lloydd |
Political and Social Theory | Mark Bennett |
Property Law | Mark Bennett; Victoria Stace; Ruiping Ye |
Public Law | Eddie Clark; Alberto Costi; Dean Knight, Fiona McDonald |
Securities Regulation | Victoria Stace; Da Lin |
Sentencing and penal policy | Yvette Tinsley |
Socio-legal Studies | Yvette Tinsley, Fiona McDonald |
Te Tiriti o Waitangi | Luke Fitzmaurice-Brown |
Torts | Geoff McLay; Nicole Moreham |
Traditional Knowledge | Hai-Yuean Tualima |
Trusts Law | Mark Bennett; Geoff McLay |
Welfare Law | Bill Atkin; Māmari Stephens |