Gordon Anderson, J Hughes, P Roth and M Leggat
Employment Law: A Practical Guide
(LexisNexis, Wellington, 2010) 1174pp
Leading Cases of Seychelles 1988-2010
(Law Publications, Wellington, 2010) 392pp
Private International Law - South Pacific
(Wolters Kluwer, The Netherlands, 2010) 170pp
Tony Angelo and V Glover
Private International Law - Mauritius
(Wolters Kluwer, The Netherlands, 2010) 70pp
Tony Angelo, et al (eds)
Niue: Second National Communication Relating to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(Niue Climate Change Project, Wellington, 2010) 132pp
Bill Atkin (ed)
International Survey of Family Law 2010
(Jordans, Bristol, 2010) 418pp
Susy Frankel and Meredith K Lewis (eds)
International Economic Law and National Autonomy
(Cambridge University Press, London, 2010) 346pp
Elisabeth McDonald and Yvette Tinsley with Richard Mahoney and Scott Optican
The Evidence Act 2006 - Act and Analysis
(2nd ed, Thomson Reuters, Wellington, 2010) 626pp
Paul Scott with Duncan Webb and Katherine Sanders
The New Zealand Legal System: Structures and Processes
(5th ed, LexisNexis, Wellington, 2010) 488pp
Glanville Williams: Learning the Law
(14th ed, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2010) 273pp