Faculty of Law celebrates latest graduates
Victoria’s Faculty of Law is proud to welcome the latest graduates to the Faculty and University’s alumni community.

Seventy-nine graduates crossed the stage to collect their degrees in mid-December, in a ceremony that honorary doctorate recipient Tuiloma Neroni Slade described as “a wonderful ceremony of colour and distinction”.
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Law, Professor Mark Hickford, hosted an afternoon tea for the graduates and their family and friends to celebrate “reaching an important milestone in their lives”.
“Graduation is undoubtedly a moment of pride—for those who graduated, for their effort and sacrifice across several years of intense study; and for their loved ones, who have contributed support, counsel, and, on occasion, challenge.”
Professor Hickford wished each new graduate every success in their future endeavours and encouraged them to stay in touch with the University and the Faculty of Law.
“You, as much as those of us who serve this faculty, this university, are custodians of its heritage and its future prospects.
“Looking at the graduates of 2016, we can be in good heart that you will neither turn your backs on the proven wisdom of our various pasts nor turn your faces from newborn challenge.”
Watch Tuiloma Neroni Slade’s graduation address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tGo2oY1Tis
Watch Victoria’s graduation ceremony where Faculty of Law graduates collected their degree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXKFFWRAUco