
Find out about Te Kauhanganui Tātai Ture―Faculty of Law, our values and connections—and learn about our people and purpose.

Welcome from the Dean

An introduction from the Dean of Law, Professor Lee Godden

Tēnā koutou kātoa,

Welcome to Te Kauhanganui Tātai Ture, the Faculty of Law, where you are part of a compassionate, enthusiastic, and diverse community of students, faculty, and alumni.

Our proximity to Parliament, the Law courts, and the government sector, makes this an excellent place to learn the Law. Our academics are passionate about teaching and passing on their legal expertise and insights, and our reputation for excellence is internationally recognized.

As a student studying law in Wellington, you will gain strong competence in core Law courses and be able to choose from elective courses taught by specialists. You will learn about the role of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and tikanga in the Law and study the pluri-legal systems of our Pacific Island neighbours as part of a full and exciting curriculum.

Our aim is to prepare you for a career in Law and to help you become a confident, capable communicator and thought leader. You will be part of an environment that fosters critical thinking and robust discussion over issues important to today’s society.

Our active student community will help you navigate through your time here. Many social events, educational development opportunities, and career advice evenings are also facilitated by our student-run groups.

Our graduates go on to prestigious careers both domestically and internationally, making important contributions to the law, legal thinking, and our society.

Join our whānau and our global network: you will experience the many opportunities presented by a Law degree from Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, such as overseas exchanges, scholarships, internships and post-graduate study.

Get in touch with us or visit our beautiful heritage building to learn more.

Hei konā mai,

Professor Lee Godden,

Dean of Te Kauhanganui Tātai Ture―Faculty of Law