Certificate in Deaf Studies
Fluent speakers of New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) can train to be teachers of NZSL by enrolling in the Certificate in Deaf Studies: Teaching NZ Sign Language.
We offer a major in Language Sciences, writing courses, and a New Zealand Sign Language minor at undergraduate level.
You can take a major or a minor in Language Sciences as part of a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Communication. Language Sciences incorporates Linguistics and Applied Linguistics/TESOL. See this planner for more information about the Language Sciences programme and current courses. We offer a minor in New Zealand Sign Language in the Bachelor of Arts. The School also offers undergraduate courses in Writing which can be taken as part of any degree.
Language connects us to people and helps us make sense of the world. Learn about the structure of language and explore how people use it.
Learn to communicate in one of New Zealand's official languages, New Zealand Sign Language, and develop your understanding of Deaf community and culture.
Find the requirements for the subject you are studying:
Prior to 2025, the School offered undergraduate majors in Linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). These are now combined in the Language Sciences major.
Students who started either of these majors before 2025 can complete them, but will need to substitute some courses for the new Language Sciences courses.
Info for LING and TESOL majors gives information on what the regulations for those majors were, and how the course substitution works.