Postgraduate course planner
Use our course planner guide to plan your postgraduate study in TESOL or Applied Linguistics.
When you study postgraduate TESOL or Applied Linguistics with us, you need to choose some core courses, which are required, and some elective courses, which you can choose more freely.
Our courses are organised into four "strands"—Teaching practice, Language awareness, Understanding language learning, and Research methods. When you do a postgraduate TESOL or Applied Linguistics degree, you'll need to take a certain number of courses from each strand.
Not every course is offered in every trimester. Use our course planner guide to help you select the courses that will make up your degree.
Each course is worth 15 points unless otherwise noted.
Postgraduate TESOL requirements
- MTESOL: Complete seven core courses—three from Strand 1 and two each from Strands 2 and 3—and five elective courses that you can choose from any of the strands.
- PGDipTESOL: Complete six core courses—three from Strand 1, two from Strand 2, and one from Strand 3—and two elective courses.
- PGCertTESOL: Complete four core courses—two from Strand 1 and one each from Strands 2 and 3.
Postgraduate Applied Linguistics requirements
- MAppLing: Complete LALS 540 and LALS 541, and 150 further points from the courses listed below.
- PGDipAppLing: Complete LALS 540 and LALS 541 and 90 further points from the courses listed below.
- PGCertAppLing: Complete LALS 540 and/or LALS 541 and further courses from the list below to make up 60 points.
Explore our learning strands
See what courses are available in each trimester
Strand 1: Teaching practice
- LALS 510: Listening and Speaking in the Language Classroom
- LALS 521: Language for Specific Purposes
- LALS 511: Teaching Reading and Writing
- LALS 523: Assessment for Learning in the Language Classroom
- LALS 522: Teaching and Learning Vocabulary
- LALS 529: Task-based Language Teaching
- LALS 560: Language Teaching Practice
- LALS 580/LALS 581: Research Paper (15 pts)
- LALS 582: Research Project (30 pts)
- LALS 583: Dissertation (60 pts)
- LALS 584: Thesis (90 pts)
- LALS 515: Language Curriculum Development
- LALS 524: Language Testing
- LALS 531: Computer-assisted Language Learning
Teaching practice
See which courses are offered in the Teaching practice strand and when you can take them.
Trimester 1 (February to June)
Trimester 2 (July to October)
Trimester 3 (November to February)
(LALS 560 is only for students who have not completed at least two years of professional experience in language education or a related field.)
All trimesters
Not offered in 2025
Strand 2: Language awareness
- LALS 544: Discourse Analysis and Language Teaching
- LALS 518: Formulaic Language: Acquisition, Processing and Use
- LALS 512: Exploring Grammar using Corpus Linguistics
- LALS 580/LALS 581: Research Paper (15 pts)
- LALS 582: Research Project (30 pts)
- LALS 583: Dissertation (60 pts)
- LALS 584: Thesis (90 pts)
- LALS 513: The Pronunciation of English
- LALS 563: Sociolinguistics and Language Education
Language awareness
See which courses are offered in the Language awareness strand and when you can take them.
Trimester 1 (February to June)
Trimester 2 (July to October)
Trimester 3 (November to February)
All trimesters
Not offered in 2025
Strand 3: Understanding language learning
- LALS 542: Interaction and Identity in Language Learning
- LALS 520: Second Language Acquisition
- LALS 525: Learner Autonomy and Learning Strategies
- LALS 580/LALS 581: Research Paper (15 pts)
- LALS 582: Research Project (30 pts)
- LALS 583: Dissertation (60 pts)
- LALS 584: Thesis (90 pts)
Understanding language learning
See which courses are offered in the Understanding language learning strand and when you can take them.
Trimester 1 (February to June)
Trimester 2 (July to October)
Trimester 3 (November to February)
All trimesters
Strand 4: Research methods
- LALS 540: Hands-on practice in Quantitative Research
- LALS 541: Hands-on practice in Qualitative Research
- No courses
- LALS 580/LALS 581: Research Paper (15 pts)
- LALS 582: Research Project (30 pts)
- LALS 583: Dissertation (60 pts)
- LALS 584: Thesis (90 pts)
Research methods
See which courses are offered in the Research methods strand and when you can take them.