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Showing 4 courses for the subject TESOL
An intensive course that surveys foundational issues in the core areas of linguistics (semantics, syntax, phonology and phonetics). An advanced introduction to the scientific study of language for post-graduate students without sufficient prior lingu...
Total points
Years available
MA thesis in TESOL. Students cannot enrol on line for theses and should contact the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offices, or Victoria International if you are an International student.
Total points
Trimesters taught
Full Year
Years available
This course introduces the planning and implementation of appropriate classroom language teaching activities, and addresses issues in managing classrooms for effective second and foreign language learning. Students undertaking this course should have...
Total points
Years available
TESOL Classroom Practice
This course provides an introduction to classroom practice in TESOL. Activities include supervised observation of and participation in an ESOL course, practice teaching sessions, and keeping a journal for self-review.
Total points
Years available
Showing results 1 - 4 of 4 results
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results for TESOL