Vocabulary lists

Download survival vocabulary lists, as well as the headwords of the BNC/COCA lists and GSL, and a table matching CEFR levels to vocabulary size and word parts.

Word family finder app

Laurence Anthony has created a very useful app that can be used to quickly find what 1000 level of the BNC/COCA word family lists that a particular word occurs in. You can access the app from your cell phone. It is accessible at https://laurenceanthony.net/software/wordfamilyfinder/. You type in the word you are interested in, and the results show the 1000 word family level where the word occurs and the family members. It also includes frequency figures from a 10 million word corpus containing 7 million words of spoken English. It can be used to quickly check the frequency level of a word (1st 1000, 2nd 1000 and so on up to the 30th 1000) to see whether it is worth teaching or studying. So, the word disciple occurs in the 6th 1000 word families and has a family frequency of 18 within the 10 million word corpus. It has four members in the family, the most frequent being disciples with 15 occurrences.

The 30,000 word family lists and the lists of proper names (basewrd31), marginal words (basewrd32), transparent compounds (basewrd32), and acronyms (basewrd34) can also be downloaded from within the app.

Survival vocabulary lists

These survival vocabulary lists include useful words and expressions for someone who is going to spend time in another country and wants to quickly learn to greet and thank people, go shopping, travel, and deal with common problems in the local language.

It takes around a total of four hours of using bilingual word cards to learn most of this vocabulary for a particular language. For advice on learning the vocabulary, read Nation, P., & Crabbe, D. (1991). A survival language learning syllabus for foreign travel. System, 19(3), 191-201.

The spoken material in the Kurdish survival vocabulary list can be accessed here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1j-B2l691B-ePJJ1FcBR4H7jiCkLkbPb3?usp=share_link

The BNC/COCA headword lists

The BNC/COCA headword lists contain the headwords from the 25,000 BNC/COCA word families that come with the Range program. The first 2,000 or 3,000 words of the BNC/COCA lists are an alternative to the General Service List. Find out more about the BNC/COCA headword lists.

The General Service List

Michael West's General Service List, the classic word list of the most useful 2,000 words of English, is now out of print. The following list contains the headwords of Michael West’s General Service List.

The CEFR levels, word parts and vocabulary sizes

The Council of Europe Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) is a series of six levels used as a common standard to describe the proficiency levels of learners of foreign or second languages. In the document below, I attempt to relate the CEFR levels to vocabulary sizes and word family sizes (i.e., how many word families a learner knows and the affixes which would be likely to occur in these families).