Resource room
The School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies’ Resource Room is available for use by staff and postgraduate students.
The School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies has a Resource Room (VZ204) which is available for use by staff and postgraduate students wishing to use the resources in the room, or simply to use the space.

- The function of the Resource room is to support research and teaching and to complement the resources in the University Library. Some teaching materials are also kept in VZ205.

In the Resource Room you will find:
- Books (particularly older titles useful for historical research, but also high demand titles which can be difficult to find in the University Library)
- Journals (including some issues and titles not held by the University Library or not held on the Kelburn Campus)
- Working papers, occasional papers & research reports
- Theses and Research papers
- Dictionaries
Most of the items can be borrowed by staff and PhD students with a flexible loan period. Items which cannot be borrowed, such as theses, may be used in the room. MA students cannot borrow items but are welcome to work in the room and to use the resources within the room.
Finding items in the resource room
There are currently two places to look when searching for items in the Resource Room:
The Resource Room has an Online Catalogue which contains all material purchased after August 2011, and older material which is being added retrospectively. All theses, journals and SLALS publications are on the online catalogue, and two-thirds of the books.
Just type your search terms into the search bar or click on the arrow to the right for advanced search options.
All older material which has not yet been added to our online catalogue is listed in the card catalogue in the Resource Room.
Audio equipment & digital transcribers
The School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies has audio equipment such as digital recorders and microphones, and digital transcription kits available for loan to support research and study. Students wishing to borrow School equipment must contact the Resources Coordinator.
Opening hours and contact details
Unless booked for classes, meetings or tests, the Resource Room is open from 1pm-4pm, Monday to Friday.
PhD students wishing to use the Resource Room at other times may ask for a key from the Office.
Groups and individuals wishing to book the Resource Room should contact the Resources Coordinator.

Sarah Hunn
School Administrator
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies