Vocabulary analysis programs

Access Range, VocabProfile, and AntWordProfiler to analyse the vocabulary load of text. Range includes the BNC/COCA word family lists.


The Range program is used for analysing the vocabulary load of texts. It can tell you how much and what vocabulary occurs in a particular text or group of texts. It used to be called VORDS, FVORDS, and VocabProfile. It is available here to download with either the GSL/AWL lists (General Service List / Academic Word List) or with the British National Corpus lists, plus instructions for using the program.

Also inside the downloadable zip file with Range is a program named Frequency. Frequency turns a text or texts into a word list with frequency figures.

VocabProfile and AntWordProfiler

VocabProfile is a simpler, web-based alternative to Range. VocabProfile can be accessed on Tom Cobb’s website, Compleat Lexical Tutor.

AntWordProfiler is a more modern vocabulary analysis program, with numerous extra features. AntWord Profiler is available from Laurence Anthony’s Website. AntWordProfiler runs on macOS and can work with any word lists in any language.