Picture Vocabulary Size Test

Measure the receptive vocabulary size of non-native and preliterate-native speakers using images and text with the 20,000 version or 6,000 version of the test.

The PVST tests receptive vocabulary knowledge. The test can be used with native speakers of English and non-native speakers. The test can be used with both spoken and written input or spoken input alone. Learners need not be literate to sit the test.

There are two versions of the PVST – a downloadable test which is most suited to those doing research, and a web-based version which can be used to find a learner’s vocabulary size.

The downloadable tests come in 6,000 word versions and 20,000 word versions. Click the following link to access Laurence Anthony’s web site. https://laurenceanthony.net/software/pvst/. The help file that downloads as part of the PVST software provides detailed information about the test.

The web-based version is available only in the 20,000 version. Click the following link to access the web-based test https://laurenceanthony.net/software/pvstweb/.

The following document describes the web-based test in detail. PVST web 20000 specifications.