Paul Nation's resources
See Emeritus Professor Paul Nation's academic publications and access his resources on language learning and language teaching.
These resources may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license or the GNU General Public License Version 2 or 3, as appropriate to the resource.
New releases
Four web-based programs designed and programmed by Laurence Anthony are now freely accessible from his web site.
Paul Nation's publications
Download publications from Paul Nation, including What do you need to know to learn a foreign language?
Graded readers
Read the mid-frequency readers including classic fiction and non-fiction adapted and graded for readers with various English vocabulary sizes.
Language teaching videos
Watch free videos of practical teaching activities for teaching English as a foreign language.
Picture Vocabulary Size Test
Measure the receptive vocabulary size of non-native and preliterate-native speakers using images and text with the 20,000 version or 6,000 version of the test.
Speed reading and listening fluency (Sonia Millett)
Download speed reading courses and listening exercises for improving reading speed and listening fluency.
Vocabulary analysis programs
Access Range, VocabProfile, and AntWordProfiler to analyse the vocabulary load of text. Range includes the BNC/COCA word family lists.
Vocabulary Bibliography Database
Download an extensive, categorised bibliography of publications on teaching and learning vocabulary.
Vocabulary lists
Download survival vocabulary lists, as well as the headwords of the BNC/COCA lists and GSL, and a table matching CEFR levels to vocabulary size and word parts.
Vocabulary tests
Download tests that measure vocabulary size and knowledge of words at different frequency levels.
Word parts
Download a copy of Paul Nation and Laurie Bauer's 2022 article Morphological Awareness and exercises drawn from it.