Research staff

A listing of LALS research staff with links to their profiles and to their research interests.

Academic research staff who are generally available for supervision are listed alphabetically by first name below.

For a list of adjunct staff and emeritus professors who also do research, see our adjunct researchers page.

Click on the staff member's name below for more details, including contact information. Click on research area names for more information about researchers in the School in those areas.

Associate Professor
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—Cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics; vocabulary and corpora; second language acquisition and bi/multilingualism

Current and potential supervision areas—Formulaic language/multi-word expressions; vocabulary learning and teaching; language processing; learner corpus research; bi/multilingualism; dyslexia; quantitative research methods (corpora, eye movements, ERPs).

Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Research areas—Vocabulary and corpora; second language acquisition; language learning, teaching, and assessment
(Averil will not take on new PhD students from 2025.)

Current and potential supervision areas—Researching vocabulary in language learning and teaching; development and use of word lists; technical vocabulary; EAP; ESP; multi-word units; quantitative and qualitative approaches.

Associate Dean, Research · Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics
Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Research areas—Second language acquisition and bi/multilingualism; sociolinguistics & discourse analysis

Current and potential supervision areas—Language and identity; translanguaging; forensic linguistics; heritage and community languages; linguistic landscapes (including protest movements); language policy and planning.

Associate Professor

Centre for Academic Development

Research areas—Vocabulary acquisition; second language acquisition; psycholinguistics

Current and potential supervision areas—Second language vocabulary acquisition; explicit and implicit vocabulary learning and processing; lexical and semantic representations and their development; experimental research (priming, eye movements).

Associate Professor
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—Discourse analysis; language learning, teaching, and assessment; academic writing

Current and potential supervision areas—Genre analysis; discourse analysis, using corpus methods; English for Specific Purposes; academic writing, in particular acquisition of written academic genres; visual meaning in academic genres; digital genres.

Associate Professor
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—Second language acquisition; language learning, teaching, and assessment  
(Jonathan is not taking on new PhD students from 2024).

Current and potential supervision areas—Task-based language teaching (TBLT); language teacher professional learning and development; intercultural language teaching and learning; listening and speaking in the language classroom.

Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics

School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—Vocabulary and corpora; corpus linguistics; second language acquisition; language learning, teaching, and assessment; academic writing; Discourse analysis

Current and potential supervision areas—Technology and corpus linguistics in relation to language learning, teaching and testing; computer-assisted language learning; language for specific purposes.

Associate Professor

School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—Second language acquisition; language learning, teaching, and assessment

Current and potential supervision areas—Learner autonomy and learning strategies; language testing and assessment; vocabulary acquisition.

Senior Lecturer · Writing Programme Director
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—Academic writing; language learning, teaching, and assessment

Current and potential supervision areas—Instruction and assessment of writing; language testing and assessment; English for Academic Purposes (EAP); English medium instruction (EMI).

Associate Professor

School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—New Zealand Sign Language

Current and potential supervision areas—Teaching and learning sign language; sociolinguistic variation in sign languages; Deaf Studies; language policy; interpreting; interpreter education.

Lecturer (Teaching)

School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—Academic writing; Discourse analysis

Current and potential supervision areas—English for Academic Purposes (especially in post-graduate contexts); professional & technical writing; scientific writing & science communication; discourse analysis (especially with rhetoric); genre analysis.

Senior Lecturer (Teaching)
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—New Zealand Sign Language

Current and potential supervision areas—Teaching and learning sign language, Deaf Studies.

Head of School
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—Phonetics and phonology; psycholinguistics; New Zealand English; Languages of the Pacific; Sociolinguistics ; Second Language Acquisition

Current and potential supervision areas—Phonetics and phonology; prosody, intonation and rhythm, including relationship to gesture; psycholinguistics, especially speech processing; information structure, especially cross-linguistic variation; sociophonetics; sound symbolism.


School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—Sociolinguistics and discourse analysis

Current and potential supervision areas—Sociolinguistics and discourse analysis; language and power; identity, ideologies, and representation; gender and sexuality; language and medical marginalisation; study abroad; critical approaches to language learning and teaching.

Senior Lecturer
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—Cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics; corpus linguistics; second language acquisition and multilingualism

Current and potential supervision areas—Computational, psycholinguistic, and corpus analytic approaches to study humorous and figurative language (esp. satirical discourse); crosslinguistic influence and multilingualism.

Senior Lecturer
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Research areas—Syntax; Austronesian languages

Current and potential supervision areas—Syntax; historical linguistics; diachronic and comparative morphosyntax; typology; Austronesian languages; Tibeto-Burman languages; languages of Taiwan, the Philippines, Borneo, Indonesia, Sulawesi, and Palau.