Mojtaba Tadayonifar
Read about research being undertaken by Mojtaba Tadayonifar, a PhD student in Applied Linguistics.
Thesis title
Contextual learning of novel multi-word expressions
A/Prof Anna Siyanova and A/Prof Irina Elgort
Vocabulary plays a crucial role in learning a second or foreign language. Incidental vocabulary learning from reading has been considered a primary source of vocabulary acquisition. However, the incidental vocabulary learning gains turned out to be small in previous studies. Research has further found that employing supplementary instructional interventions facilitated contextual learning of single-word items. However, the picture is less clear for the contextual learning of Multi-Word Expressions (MWEs). Thus, the proposed research aims to investigate the effects of supplementary instructional interventions on the contextual learning of MWEs.
My primary area of expertise is Language Education. I have investigated how corrective feedback and reading strategy instruction were modulated by individual differences in cognitive styles. Recently, I am interested in the contextual learning of multiword expressions. I’m exploring the factors that influence the learning of these expressions through combining methods from applied linguistics, cognitive psychology and education. My second research area concerns computer-mediated language learning. My research in this area has been associated with investigating the impacts of computer-supported glossing and flipped learning on learners’ vocabulary learning and language skill development.
Tadayonifar, M., & Entezari, M. (2020). Does flipped learning affect language skills and learning styles differently. E-Learning and Digital Media, 17(4),324-340,
Tadayonifar, M., & Entezari, M., Bahraman, M. (2020). Investigating the relationship between linguistic focus of recasts, learning styles and noticing. Language Learning in Higher Education 10(1), 53-72. DOI:
Tadayonifar, M. (2016). The effects of text type, text length and text difficulty on vocabulary retention through glossing. The Journal of Language Learning and Teaching 6 (1), 90-104.
Tadayonifar, M. (in press). Task complexity and task type; L1 use and functions. (Under review).
Tadayonifar, M., & Entezari, M., & Valizadeh, M. (2021). The effects of computer assisted L1 and L2 textual and audio glosses on vocabulary learning and reading comprehension across learning tyles. Journal of Language and Education, 7(2). 223-242.
Tadayonifar, M., & Entezari, M., Valizadeh, M., & Bahraman, M. (accepted). The impacts of reading strategy instruction on reading comprehension across learning styles. Language Learning in Higher Education.