Other publications
Below are various documents made available for download.
- pdf114KBDaly, Nicola (ed.) How do women manage? Based on an original article entitled 'Women at work: Analysing women's talk in New Zealand workplaces' by Janet Holmes
- pdf118KBDaly, Nicola (ed.) Forget Venus and Mars, lets get back to Earth: Challenging gender stereotypes in the workplace? Based on an article of the same title by Maria Stubbe, Meredith Marra, Bernadette Vine and Janet Holmes
- pdf142KBDaly, Nicola (ed.) Small talk at work. Based on an original article entitled 'Doing collegiality and keeping control at work: Small talk in government departments'
- pdf110KBHolmes, Janet and George Major (2002). "Just flex your arm eh": Communication on the ward. Previously published inStaff Matters, Capital Coast Health.
- pdf102KBHolmes, Janet and George Major (2002)."It's getting a bit desperate isn't it!": Communication on the ward. Previously published inStaff Matters, Capital Coast Health.
- pdf4925KBHolmes, Janet and Nicky Riddiford (2009). Talk at work: interactional challenges for immigrants. In Vijah K. Bahtia, Winnie Cheng, Bertha Du-Babcock and Jane Lung (eds.), Language for Professional Communication: Research, Practice and Training. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 217-234.
- pdf23.5KBParry, Ken (2003). Leadership, culture, and a feminised workplace. Paper presented at the Language in the Workplace Forum, 21 March 2003
- pdf52.4KBStubbe, Maria and Megan Ingle (1999). Collecting natural interaction data in a factory: Some methodological challenges. Paper presented at the Murdoch Symposium on Talk-in-Interaction, Perth, September 1999