Core project team
Meredith Marra
Meredith is the Director of the Project. Her research interests include a range of aspects of the discourse of meetings as well as the uses and functions of humour in workplace interactions. Meredith has also completed her PhD thesis entitled Decisions in New Zealand Business Meetings: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Power at Work.
pdf10KBDecisions in New Zealand Business Meetings: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Power at Work![profile picture](
Meredith Marra
Janet Holmes
Janet is the Associate Director of the Project. She has been involved in all aspects of the Project's work, including research design and supervising data collection, as well as data analysis and writing. Janet's own particular areas of interest include the use of humour and small talk in workplace communication, the construction of professional identity, the language of managers, leadership and communication and the role of gender in workplace relationships and interaction.
Bernadette Vine
Bernadette is Corpus Manager of the Archive of New Zealand English, which includes management of the processing, transcription, archiving and databases for the Language in the Workplace Project. She has also completed her PhD entitled Workplace Language and Power: Directives, Requests and Advice and authored a book based on this title.
pdf45KBWorkplace Language and Power: Directives, Requests and Advice