
Find useful resources to help you improve your general conversational skills or communicate in a professional setting. Learn how to deliver an effective present

Quick tips for speaking practice

  • Record yourself regularly and listen to your own speaking.
  • Seek out opportunities to practise speaking in everyday situations as you go through your day
  • Make contact with native speakers or become a language buddy
  • Watch persuasive public speakers and learn from their techniques—body language, presentation structure, voice etc.

Read more speaking tips

Splendid Speaking

Quizzes, activities, strategies and guides for advanced English learners to develop speaking skills and communication strategies.

Intermediate Advanced

ESL Discussions

Conversation questions on everyday themes and controversial issues. Ideal for pair or group work.



Learn about communication in the New Zealand workplace.

Intermediate NZ content

Communicating Effectively in a Job Interview

Find out about communication strategies for job interviews in New Zealand—many are applicable to all professional settings.

Advanced NZ content

Making a good presentation

Find advice on planning a talk and creating effective PowerPoint slides. The 'Displaying Data' section helps you improve your use of graphs and other visuals.

Intermediate Advanced

TED Talks

Search for inspiring talks on a subject that interests you. Find interactive transcripts, often in multiple languages.


ProCon—arguing your point

Read arguments for and against controversial issues. Useful when researching for presentations.
