Le Nguyen

Senior ELI Teacher
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies


Le teaches on the English for Academic Purposes programme and is the Programme Coordinator for the Graduate Certificate in TESOL.

Selected publications

Nguyen, T.C. L.  and Gee, R.W. (2015). The bilingual vocabulary size test for Vietnamese learners: Reliability and use in placement testing. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 25, 63-80.

Nguyen, T.C. L. (2015). Written fluency improvement in a foreign language. TESOL Journal, DOI: 10.1002/tesj.186.

Nguyen, T.C. L. (2014). A top down approach to metacognitive strategy training in writing and its impacts on components of a writing piece. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 20(1), 21-37.

Nguyen, T.C. L. and Gu.Y. (2013). Strategy-based instruction: A learner-focused approach to developing learner autonomy. Language Teaching Research, 17 (1), 9-30.

Nguyen, T.C. L. (2012). Learner autonomy in language learning- How to measure it rigorously. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 18(1), 50-65.

Nguyen, T.C. L.  and Nation, P. (2011). A Bilingual Vocabulary Size Test of English for Vietnamese Learners. RELC Journal, 42 (1), 86-99.

Nguyen, T.C. L. (2012). Learner autonomy and EFL language proficiency- A Vietnamese perspective. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching,18, 67-87.

Nguyen, T.C. L. (2005). From passive participant to active Thinker: A learner-centered approach to materials development and use for Vietnamese students. English Teaching Forum, 43 (3), 1-9.

Nguyen, T.C. L. (2003). Issues in curriculum design for English majors at a private university in Vietnam. Teacher’s Edition,13.