Ha Hoang

Senior ELI Teacher
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies




Ha is a teacher at the English Language Institute, LALS. She has worked in TESOL for more than 20 years and has taught on a variety of English language and TESOL programmes. Ha is interested in EAP pedagogies, ESL writing, curriculum issues, and teacher agency. She is also interested in metaphor and cognitive linguistics.

Selected publications

Hoang, H. (2024). Action research in tertiary contexts: The case of an EAP reading syllabus. Community Languages and ESOL 2024, Wellington, New Zealand.

Hoang, H., Barrow, R., & Edwards, T. (2024). Teaching forum: Teacher-made materials –  Aspects of authenticity in three curricula. Community Languages and ESOL 2024, Wellington, New Zealand.

Ruegg, R., Hoang, H., & Petersen, N. (2024). The influence of English language proficiency test scores on the academic success of ESL undergraduate students. Educational Research and Evaluation, 29(3–4), 111–129. https://doi.org/10.1080/13803611.2024.2314533

Hoang, H. (2023). Workshop: How to design a language syllabus that works. Professional Development Workshop Series for Mandarin Language Teaching Assistants, Confucious Institute. Victoria University of Wellington.

Hoang, H., & Gu, P. (2023). Unguided peer response: The missing piece in the jigsaw puzzle of peer response. In C. M. Amerstorfer, M. von Blanckenburg, & C. B. Shedd (Eds.), Activating and Engaging Learners and Teachers: Perspectives for English Language Education (pp. 141-158). Narr Francke Attempto.

Hoang, H. (2022a). A strategy-based reading syllabus for Asian-Pasifika scholars in an EAP programme. Situating Strategy Use 4: Strategic Learning in an Uncertain World, Wellington, New Zealand.

Hoang, H. (2022b). Keynote speech: Developing a language curriculum: Trendy methods, hard choices and teacher agency. The 3rd International Conference on Education and Technology (ICETECH) 2022, Universitas PGRI Madiun, Jawa Timur, Indonesia.

Hoang, H. (2022c). Review: The Art and Architecture of Academic Writing. TESOLANZ Newsletter, 42. https://www.tesolanz.org.nz/publications/tesolanz-journal/volume-28-2020/

Hoang, H. (2022d). Working with the language curriculum: On methods and teacher agency. In Proceedings of ICETECH 2022: The 3rd International Conference on Education and Technology. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.2991/978-2-38476-056-5_4

Petersen, N., Ruegg, R., & Hoang, H. (2022). Understanding the academic achievement of ESL students from different educational backgrounds. ALANZ/ALAA/ALTAANZ Applied Linguistics Conference 2022, Wellington, New Zealand.

Ruegg, R., Hoang, H., & Petersen, N. (2022). The influence of English language proficiency on the academic success of ESL undergraduate students. ALANZ/ALAA/ALTAANZ Applied Linguistics Conference 2022, Wellington, New Zealand.

Hoang, H. (Ed). (2021). Video series: Academic skills for EAP students. English Language Institute. Victoria University of Wellington.

Hoang, H. (2020). Review: Lexical Grammar –  Activities for Teaching Chunks and Exploring Patterns. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-316-64475-1 (pbk.) 233 pp. TESOLANZ, 28, 105–106.

Hoang, H., & Macalister, J. (2020). Innovations in reading instruction in Vietnam: The quest for best practice [Report commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Traning, Vietnam as part of Project 2025: Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages in the National Education System 2008-2020 Extended].

Ruegg, R., Petersen, N., Hoang, H., & Marianne. (2020). Effects of pathways into university on the academic success of international undergraduate students. Higher Education Research & Development, 40(6), 1283–1297. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2020.1804336

Hoang, H. (2019a). Metaphorical language in second language learners’ texts: Additional baggage of the writing journey? In E. Lindgren & K. Sullivan (Eds.), Observing writing: Logging handwriting and computer keystrokes (pp. 236–257). Brill.

Hoang, H. (2019b). Tracing the hidden processes for process writing: Computer-logged evidence. The Wellington Association of TESOL Expo 2019, Wellington, New Zealand.

Marianne, M., Ruegg, R., Peterson, N., & Hoang, H. (2019c). Succeeding at undergraduate study. Building the Knowledge Base: Connecting Research to Practice in Assessment and EAP, Hamilton, New Zealand.

Hoang, H. (2018). Teaching English to young learners in rural Vietnam: An autonomous teacher’s account. TESOLANZ, 26, 11–22.

Hoang, H., & Boers, F. (2018). Gauging the association of EFL learners’ writing proficiency and their use of metaphorical language. System, 74, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2018.02.004

Hoang, H., & Truong, B. L. (2018). A primary school English teacher’s response to language policy: Teacher agency and autonomy in rural Vietnam. In P. Ng & E. Boucher-Yip (Eds.), English language teaching: Teacher agency and policy response (pp. 188–201). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315646701

Hoang, H. (2017a). Drawing a tale. In J. Arnold & E. Herrick (Eds.), New Ways in Teaching with Music (pp. 233–234). TESOL Press.

Hoang, H. (2017b). Listening between the lines. In J. Arnold & E. Herrick (Eds.), New Ways in Teaching with Music (pp. 195–196). TESOL Press.

Hoang, H. (2017c). Researching writing processes: The case of foreign language learners’ metaphor production. In B. Flett (Ed.), SAGE Research Method Cases 2017. SAGE. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781473971967

Hoang, H. (2017d). Writing transitions to the workplace and back to school: A participant inquiry. The 4th Asia-Pacific Language for Specific Purposes and Professional Communication Association Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

Hoang, H., Connor, C., & Joe, A. (2017). Collaborative threads in an EAP course: Voices from managers, teachers and students. The 4th Asia-Pacific Language for Specific Purposes and Professional Communication Association Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

Arnold, J., Hoang, H., & Tegge, F. (2017). Workshop: Call the innovative tune: New Ways in Teaching with Music. The Wellington Association of TESOL Expo 2017, Wellington, New Zealand.

Hoang, H. (2016). Investigating the effects of guided revision on L2 learners’ use of multi-word units. The 20th ALANZ Symposium, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Hoang, H. (2015). The fragmented picture of phraseological units in EFL learners’ writing. The 14th Symposium on Second Language Writing, Auckland, New Zealand.

Hoang, H. (2014a). Metaphor and second language learning: The state of the field. TESL-EJ, 18(2). http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume18/ej70/ej70a5/

Hoang, H. (2014b). Logging writing processes as a tool for process writing. The Wellington Association of TESOL Expo 2014, Wellington, New Zealand.

Hoang, H. (2014c). Metaphorically speaking, how to get a higher writing grade? Conference on Community Languages and ESOL in New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.

Hoang, H. (2014d). Workshop: Applying cognitive linguistic motivation to language teaching. Conference on Community Languages and ESOL in New Zealand 2014, Wellington, New Zealand.

Hoang, H. (2014e). Logging metaphorical thoughts: A pausological study of second language learners’ production of metaphors. AILA World Congress, Brisbane, Australia.

Hoang, H. (2014f). On the dynamics of metaphoricity in second language learners’ compositions. AILA World Congress, Brisbane, Australia.

Hoang, H. (2013a). Workshop: Teaching speaking and writing with metaphor. WATESOL Expo 2013, Wellington, New Zealand.

Hoang, H. (2013b). Is it vague and awkward? A text analysis of second language learners’ use of metaphorical word senses in writing. 12th Symposium on Second Language Writing, Jinan, China.

Hoang, H. (2013c). The learner-writers’ forgotten ally: An exploratory study of metaphoricity in second language writing. 12th Symposium on Second Language Writing, Jinan, China.