Judy Wei
Vocabulary related episodes (VREs) in EFL listening lessons: How, why, when and who benefits?
This presentation reports on results from Judy’s PhD research into the teaching of L2 listening in EFL classes taught by two teachers at a Chinese university. The research focused on the relationship between vocabulary and listening. Observation data was collected from thirteen lessons taught by the two teachers (six and seven lesson respectively). Data was also collected from interviews with the teachers and their students who also sat pre-and post-lesson vocabulary tests to investigate vocabulary learning gains from these classes. This talk will report findings on the nature of vocabulary related episodes (VREs) initiated by the teachers and on the relationship between VREs and vocabulary learning. These findings include comparisons of the ways each teacher dealt with vocabulary and of their different views of the importance of vocabulary in listening, as well as how these behaviours and views influenced the perceptions of learners as to the value of vocabulary teaching.
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