Anshul Sharma—Master of Professional Business Analysis

For Anshul Sharma, studying a Master of Professional Business Analysis was the perfect next step in building his career. Read on to learn more about his programme of study and how Wellington and New Zealand has captured his heart. Spoiler alert—even after graduating from Victoria University of Wellington, Anshul is still living and working here in Wellington.

Experiences at Victoria University of Wellington

Anshul began his career in human resources in his hometown of New Delhi, India. Looking for an opportunity to take the next step in his career, Anshul’s choice to study at Victoria University of Wellington was motivated by the University’s position as a globally-ranked university in the capital city of Wellington.

But it wasn’t just Victoria University of Wellington that appealed to Anshul, it was also the cultural diversity of New Zealand that attracted him. New Zealand is engaged in revitalisation efforts of the indigenous Māori culture, and Wellington is home to many immigrants—that means there is a community for everyone. As part of Anshul’s decision to study in New Zealand, it should be no surprise that this diversity proved to be one of the highlights of his study.

Another highlight during his time at the University was being involved in campus life. From being an international buddy to holding leadership roles, such as class representative, account manager, and cohort representative, there was almost no opportunity Anshul turned down.

The Master of Professional Business Analysis programme allowed Anshul to broaden his skillset and overcome business challenges through collaboration. Anshul found being a leader for both international and domestic students  a great opportunity to practice his skills navigating cultural differences through effective collaboration and communication. These leadership opportunities enhanced his learning and provided practical situations to develop his abilities.

With the skills and experience earned in his degree, Anshul secured a job even before completing his studies. He is currently a business analyst at Bactosure, a start-up company with the goal of providing a better and easier way for everyone to get clean drinking water.

When asked what he likes most about his new job, Anshul replied, “My highlight from working at Bactosure is the supportive work environment. Despite being a start-up company with only five people, I have been given the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them in my journey.”

Life in Wellington

While Victoria University of Wellington was Anshul’s primary reason for moving to Wellington, the city has captured his heart. The University’s campuses are located throughout the city which make learning and living in Wellington an integrated experience. Anshul explains:

“Without a doubt, the best thing about living in Wellington is the city's size, which makes it easy to navigate, whether by foot, bike, or public transport. Equally, the city provides a safe and secure environment for the students.”

Moving from a city of 33 million people to a country of just over 5 million people would be an adjustment for anyone, but Anshul found the warmth of New Zealanders to be a key factor to settling into Wellington.

While he misses New Delhi, Anshul has, “focused on building friendships, connecting with different cultures, and finding familiarity in Wellington's winters” to overcome the challenges of being away from home. When it comes to Wellington, Anshul agrees with the saying: “You can’t beat Wellington on a good day.” His favourite way to spend a day in Wellington is to sit by the waterfront, read a book, and enjoy a good coffee.

Anshul finds the slower pace of life very different but very beneficial. “New Zealand has a version 2.0 of me, a calmer version which has managed to provide me comfort in land far away from home, but it cannot replace the emotional connections my hometown.”

One of the main differences between Anshul’s home and New Zealand is the focus on wellbeing across all areas of daily life:

“The most interesting aspect of New Zealand that I've found is its strong emphasis on wellbeing. Coming from a culture where work often extends beyond the clock and where mental health may not always receive the attention it deserves, I am impressed by New Zealand’s commitment to maintaining a healthy work-life balance and prioritising mental wellbeing.”

This is the version of Anshul that he would like to carry with him in his future endeavours.

Anshul’s advice to future students

To the future students of Victoria University of Wellington, Anshul recommends taking every opportunity.

“Embrace the cultural diversity, opportunities for personal growth, and encouragement to pursue your passions. All this awaits you in the scenic beauties of New Zealand.”

He also has some advice for anyone looking to take full advantage of their studies: “No opportunity is a small opportunity. It is important to take baby steps and keep moving forward. And always remember to keep improving on daily basis to become an updated version of your existence.”