International buddy programme

Join our International Buddy Programme. Your buddy will be a friendly face, show you around campus, and help you adjust to Kiwi culture and university life.

Support new international students

If you are a returning student and would like to support new arrival international students, please sign up.

Sign up to support international students

Our International Buddy Programme pairs you up with a current student, who will:

  • get in touch with you by email either before you arrive or soon after you arrive
  • meet you at the University and show you around campus
  • share information about university life
  • catch up with you on digital platforms to discuss any and all aspects of university study
  • host one-to-one online social hangouts so you feel more connected to the student community.

Register now

You will be part of a larger network of international and domestic students. You'll connect at online and in–person events that are run and facilitated by the International Buddy Programme Coordinator. It’s a great opportunity to connect with students from around the globe, share your own culture and experiences, and learn about others.

Register now

When I came to this new environment, the International Buddy Programme provided a good platform to meet many friends from different backgrounds.
Global Management student Qiuyue Liu

Quiyue Liu,

Master of Global Management