Studentsafe Inbound University insurance

Studentsafe Inbound University insurance is our preferred insurance policy. Find out how it works, how to make a claim, and about renewals and family insurance.

All international students must have approved medical and travel insurance for the full length of their student visa.

Studentsafe University insurance

Studentsafe Inbound University by Allianz Partners is the University‘s preferred insurance policy for international students.

On this page you’ll find:

There’s separate guidance for:

Cost of cover with Studentsafe Insurance

You must be covered by an approved insurance policy as part of your student visa conditions.

2025 premiums

English for Academic Purposes programme (EAP) studentNZ$214 (three months)
Study Abroad or exchange studentNZ$428 (one trimester)
All other studentsNZ$855 (one year)
Family of two/coupleNZ$1,710 (one year)
Family of three or moreNZ$2,138 (one year)

Students who want to add family insurance after individual insurance has started will be charged an extra $72 (one family member) or $107 (two or more family members) per month.

You can choose to pay for your insurance either:

What you are covered for

  • Personal property to a maximum of NZ$2,500 per item.
  • Travel to New Zealand, even before you pay for your insurance and enrol.
  • Ninety days of medical expenses and loss of deposits while you are in your home country if you are a full-time student and you go home for the holidays between study years.
  • Thirty-one days of free travel insurance for travel to Australia, Bali, Lombok, and the islands of the South Pacific during the period of insurance or while travelling to and from New Zealand if you are a returning or full-year student. All other students are entitled to 16 days of travel insurance to these countries.
  • Prescribed medication, as long as it is listed in the New Zealand Pharmaceutical Schedule.
  • All reasonable and necessary medical expenses incurred for the treatment of an injury or sickness suffered during the period of insurance.
  • Free medical care at the University medical centre for conditions covered by the policy.
  • Mental illness in New Zealand—up to $20,000.

Student Health and Counselling—Mauri Ora may be able to bill the insurer directly for the majority of your Doctor's appointments, in accordance with your coverage. However, please be aware that consultations regarding contraception, STI/sexual health testing and pre-existing conditions can't be directly billed, so these will need to be paid to Mauri Ora on the day of your appointment.

What you are not covered for

  • Pre-existing medical conditions. However, in certain circumstances cover may be considered if you complete a Medical Risk Assessment form.
  • Contraception appointments and prescriptions.
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, and abortion.
  • Medical check-ups required to get your student visa.
  • Car/vehicle insurance, including motorbike and scooter.
  • Elective dental treatment, oral surgery, or normal dental maintenance. Including fillings, root canals, polishing and scaling, fitting or maintenance of braces or other dental appliances, wisdom teeth extractions unless impacted, replacement due to loss of dental bridges, restoration work, caps, crowns, precious metal costs or pins and fittings, periodontal, titanium implants or any work resulting from lack of regular dental maintenance and/or hygiene.
  • Vaccinations (flu vaccination is free for students at Student Health Service).

Full details of what is covered are in your policy documents. Visit the Studentsafe website, or contact the International Student Experience team for advice.

Period of cover

Immigration New Zealand requires fee-paying international students to have appropriate and current medical and travel insurance while they are studying in New Zealand. Your insurance must start from the time you travel to New Zealand to study—or, if you’re already in New Zealand, from the time you begin your study or get your student visa.

If you are studying:

  • for a short course, your insurance needs to cover you until the end of your course
  • for Student Aboard and Exchange (one trimester), you’ll be charged for six months of insurance at a time
  • for a full degree starting in Trimester 1, you’ll be charged for 12 months of insurance at a time
  • for a full degree starting in Trimester 2 or 3, you’ll be charged up until February of the following year. After that, you’ll be charged for a full year of insurance at the beginning of each academic year
  • for a Master’s by thesis, you’ll be charged for 12 months of insurance at a time
  • towards a PhD, you’ll be charged from the date you enrol until 31 December of that year. After that, you’ll be charged for a full year of insurance at the beginning of each academic year.

You must have continuous insurance for as long as you’re studying here, even if you travel home during the holidays—if you have a break in your insurance policy, you won’t be covered for any medical conditions you developed while you were previously covered. Find out what you need to do to renew your insurance.

Students with resident visas

If you are granted a resident visa or permanent resident visa during your studies, it is your responsibility to let the International team know about this immediately. Changing to a resident class visa has some implications for your status as an international student and may affect your eligibility for insurance.

If you are insured with Studentsafe Inbound University insurance through the University, your cover for medical claims within New Zealand (section 1 in the full policy wording 2017) will automatically expire 21 days after your resident or permanent resident visa has been issued. This is because as a resident or permanent resident you are eligible for publicly funded healthcare in New Zealand.

Your cover for all non-medical claims remains until your current policy period expires but you will no longer be able to renew this insurance.

Outbound exchange students

If you are an international student going on an exchange programme organised by Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, you will still be charged Studentsafe Inbound University policy fees.

  • We recommend you don’t cancel your Studentsafe policy while away. If you cancel your policy, it will lapse and therefore affect the continuity of your policy. You may be subject to a new medical assessment when you return or re-enrol to your programme. Otherwise, any medical conditions you have been receiving treatment for under your original policy or during the break, would be considered pre-existing medical conditions and may no longer be covered.
  • You will also need to purchase additional health and travel insurance for the length of your exchange programme and duration of your trip. Studentsafe Outbound insurance is available to students going on exchange.
  • Check and ensure the insurance complies with your host university’s insurance requirements.

Find out more or purchase the Studentsafe Outbound policy.