Promotional materials

Additional resources have been put together to help you promote international study at Victoria University of Wellington.

Photos and logos

Photos and logos available for agents to promote Victoria University of Wellington.

Browse here

Includes photos of our campuses, students, accommodation, and Wellington.

Please credit all photos: (c) Victoria University of Wellington, and please do not republish videos without the permission of Wellington University International.

Read the branding guidelines closely and seek our permission before including these logos in any marketing materials.

VUW international publications

International Prospectus

The latest full International Prospectus containing detailed information on all subjects and programmes offered for international study by Victoria University of Wellington. Available in English, and we also have a version of the prospectus translated into Chinese.


惠灵顿维多利亚大学国际学生申请指南 (International Prospectus in Chinese)

The above is the 2024 version. The latest version will be available shortly.

Study at VUW

Study at Victoria University of Wellington (Introduction to Victoria University of Wellington)

A six-page illustrated brochure with introductory information on Wellington, the University, and entry requirements. Available in English, and translated into Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese.

Study in Wellington

A guide for international students at New Zealand secondary schools.

Manaaki Scholarship Flyer

A four-page flyer with information on our Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships Programme.

Faculty Handbooks (2025)

A PDF that links to all 15 faculty handbooks for 2025, including two guides: the Accommodation Guide and Your Introduction.

General publications

A selection of general University publications including the latest qualification and faculty handbooks, international fees table, and Accommodation Guide.

Go to general publications

External promotional materials

Link to Education New Zealand's Brand Lab which offers free resources to promote New Zealand education and Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships.

Go to ENZ's Brand Lab