Agent Portal Assistance

We are here to help! This page provides assistance on navigating our Agent and Partner Portal. Whether you are logging in for the first time, completing an application, or modifying an existing application, we provide steps and guidance for each activity.

If you don't have access to the Portal yet, please contact us.

On this page

New UsersMaking a new applicationUpdating an application

Logging in for the first time

Only Agents who have been invited to use the portal can log in. you invitation includes a log in code to activate your account.

Haven't received a login invitation email? contact us to request one.

To access the Portal, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the “redeem invitation” link in the email.
  2. Click “sign up”.
  3. Enter your email address to receive a code to verify your invitation email. Be sure to use the same email address that your invitation was sent to. If you wish to use a different email address, you will need to request a new invitation email.
  4. Once you have received your verification code, enter it to activate your account.
  5. You will then be asked to enter your name (this can be the name of your branch manager) and create a password.

Returning to your account

Visit to return to the agent portal

  1. Choose "Log in with email address"
  2. Enter your email address and the password you created to log in.
  3. Once logged in, remember to bookmark the page.

Finding your way around

Once you are logged in:

  • Make sure you can see all current applications for upcoming intakes.
  • Make sure all your applicants are listed.
  • If you come across any issues or bugs, or cannot perform a given action on the Portal, please email us.

Here is what is on your Agent Portal landing page:

  • Announcements: Selecting the Announcements tab displays any current announcements from Victoria University of Wellington
  • Admission: The Admission link (or the Applications tab in the top menu) displays all admission applications associated with your organisation (including branch offices). This is also where you create new student applications.
  • Accommodation: Here you can review any Accommodation records associated with your students. This is not where you create a new accommodation application. To do that, contact the Accommodation office.
  • Scholarship: Here you can review any Scholarship applications for students linked to your organisation. This is not where you create a new scholarship application. To do that, contact the Scholarships office.
  • Resources: This links to our Agent and Partner Hub, which has resources available to promote international study at Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Organisation Profile: By clicking here (or the Profile Icon on the top right of the page), you can review your organisation details and ensure they are correct. If you need to change your details, select the “Contact Us" link to log a request to update any of your organisation’s details.
  • Students: This tab in the top menu displays all students linked to your organisation, and shows whether they have a completed application or not.
  • Portal tasks: At times, the Victoria University of Wellington team will send you a Portal Task which contains an action for you to complete (e.g., document needed, offer pending). These Portal Tasks are accessed from the Portal Tasks tab within a student’s applications, or the notification bell near the top right of the page.

Entering your first application

There are a few ways to make a new application; see our tutorial for some extra support.

  • The Applications tab in the top menu.
  • The “Apply or Review” button under Admission.

Before you can submit an application, you need to create a student record, or check if the student already exists in our system. Selecting "Apply" allows you to search for an existing student.

If the student is not listed, you can select “Create New Student” and enter the student details. If the student details match with an existing student in another organisation you will be notified.

Once you have found or created your student, you will either be directed automatically to the application form, or you will have to click on the student's name and select "Apply Admission".

Once you have submitted your admission application is complete, select "Applications" again to ensure that your new Application is visible in the Applications list.

Application form not displaying

If you cannot access the application form, it appears as an white space or you get an error message, try clearing your browser’s cache.

Here's how to clear the cache on:

If you still can't see the application form once you have cleared your cache, please contact us and tell us which browser and device you are using.

Finding and updating and existing application

Selecting the "Applications" link displays all applications that have been created that are linked to your organisation (Including admission, scholarships, accommodation and any enquiries that have been created).

Your view can be sorted by applicant. If you wish to view applications by branch, you can select the “View by branch” button.

Look out for the notification bell

The notification bell means there’s been an update on a student application that requires action (submit doc, accept offer, etc.)

Understanding our admissions terminology

When reviewing your admission applications, you may come across the following application status terms:

  • Draft: This application is incomplete and cannot be submitted. You will need to complete the application by supplying the required information, then click “Submit” at the end of the application form.
  • Submitted: This application has been completed and submitted. It is now in a queue and waiting for action by Victoria University of Wellington staff.
  • Assess eligibility: This application has been viewed by university staff and is ready for assessment by an International Admissions Officer.
  • More information required: More information is needed to progress this application, for example, a document is missing. You can supply the requirement information via the Portal. Click the “Action” button next to the student’s name.
  • Documents returned: We have received an additional required document from you or the student. It is now in a queue to be actioned by an International Admissions Officer.
  • Programme approval required: The application has been assessed by an International Admissions Officer and is waiting to be assessed by faculty staff, usually the programme director. This status usually applies to postgraduate programme applications.
  • Conditionally approved: The application has been conditionally approved; the student holds a Conditional Offer of Place. Conditions must be satisfied before the applicant can receive an Unconditional Offer of Place
  • Conditionally admitted: The application has been conditionally approved, the student holds a Conditional Offer of Place, and the student has accepted their Conditional Offer of place.
  • Approved: The applicant holds an Unconditional Offer of Place.
  • Admitted: The applicant holds an Unconditional Offer of Place and has accepted their offer.
  • Declined: The application was unsuccessful and has been declined by the University.
  • Cancelled: The application has been withdrawn, either at the request of your organisation, or the student themselves.
  • Deferred: The application has been changed to a later intake, either at the request of your organisation, or the student themselves.

Adding documents to an existing application

If an application has a status of "More information required", you will probably need to add additional documentation. This admission status triggers a notification on the Portal. Click that notification and add the requested information. You can also click the “Action” button next to the student’s name.

If you want to add extra documentation at any other time, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Applications” section and select the student whose application you want to add a document.
  2. Click “View detail”.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Add documents”.

Deferring or withdrawing

In the “Applications” section, find the student who wishes to defer their studies. Click on that student’s name to open their existing applications.

  • Defer: Under the relevant application, select the “Defer” button to open an enquiry form. Make sure to write what the new intake should be for the application so our admissions team can process your request efficiently. If an Offer of Place had been issued, our admissions team will send out an updated one shortly.
  • Withdraw: Under the relevant application, click “Cancel” to notify us of the withdrawal. If an Offer of Place has been issued, you can simply decline the Offer.

Need more help?  - Contact us

If you need to make an enquiry or request while using the Agent and partner portal, click on Contact us.

You can also find the Contact us link in your profile section, or near the bottom of each page; this opens an enquiry form. Using this form, you can select a subject, add additional information, and upload a document before submitting it to our team. You should receive a confirmation of your submission.

If you select the “Applications” link and then the “Enquires” tab, you can view any enquiries that you have submitted.