
StudySpy is making it easier for the students of Aotearoa to make one of the most important decisions of their lives—what they are going to study.

Animated image with Blue elephant and bubble thoughts around him.
Agent Ellie, StudySpy’s secret mascot.

In the past it was difficult to find and compare information about all the different tertiary courses available in New Zealand. But now, thanks to StudySpy, it’s simple.

StudySpy is New Zealand’s Education Directory, with every tertiary course, scholarship and provider in New Zealand, as well as every high school. The free search and discovery tool helps the students of Aotearoa make one of the most important decisions of their lives—what they are going to study.

“When we first started, 55% of recent graduates in New Zealand felt like they’d made the wrong study decision,” says StudySpy founder Michael Watson. “Our mission is to enable access to education information so that students make informed decisions on their future.”

Initially the idea for StudySpy was developed through the Victoria Entrepreneurship Bootcamp in 2016 and launched in 2018 after two years of development. Since then, StudySpy has helped over half a million students figure out what to study, as well as powering Government websites, careers advisor softwares and is used in high school curriculum across New Zealand.

Now exploring international expansion, StudySpy founder Michael Watson quotes “None of this would be possible without the mentors, connections and entrepreneurial mindset that was provided by the Bootcamp all those years ago”.

Michael says while it’s many years on, he’s still in touch with his bootcamp peers, continues to connect with the same mentors and is enjoying the opportunity to be able to pay it forward by mentoring fellow Atom alumni, Qisma Tech.

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