Anne-Mette Holmgård Sundahl

Anne-Mette is researching modern personality cults across different political settings.

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PhD Candidate in Political Science
School of History, Philosophy, Political Science & International Relations


MSc in Political Science, Aarhus University

BSc in Political Science, Aarhus University


Anne-Mette Sundahl developed an interest in pursuing postgrad studies during her stay as an intern at the Royal Danish Defence College’s Department of Military History and War Studies. Her research interests are within the fields of international relations and sociology with particular focus on the use of images in politics and personality cults. Her dissertation revolves around the phenomenon of postmodern personality cults. More specifically, she is examining how contemporary forms of production and use of leader images differ from the modern personality cults, and how new developments in communications media have contributed to a convergence between personality cults across different political settings.


Associate Dean, Academic Programmes

Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Senior Lecturer

School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations


Sundahl, Anne-Mette Holmgård (2022). Personality Cult or a Mere Matter of Popularity? International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society.